Thursday 4 November 2010

SWOT Analysis

Strengths -
  • We have done a lot of planning which will come in handy when we start filming on 4th November. We will still need to go over what we're doing when shooting but we will have everything we need including location and props.
  • Our blog's are being completed everyday explaining our progress throughout that day. We have gone into a lot of depth in each of our blog posts and have been very explanitive. We have included pictures so our blogs have more than just a load of information. We've included pictures of our setting sich as hannah and callum's room and the road which callum will be walking down durhing filming.
  • I have the programme we use in school to edit at home so i could touch up the video without having to be in school and finding computers with the editing software on. Over the weekend i will edit the videos on Premier Pro once i have gotten the clips off hannah.
  • We make the most of what we've got, e.g we have changed some of our script as we will be filming in the rain however we think this will create emmotion in the video as it will go with the mood of the actors.
  • We work on individual tasks so that we have different things to be getting on with instead of all of us doing one thing. E.G Callum- storyboard, acting. Hannah - Acting. Emma- script,filming. Lauren - editing.  
Weaknesses -
  • As i live furhter away from the rest of my group it is hard for me to get over where we will be filming. So we've make compramises, i will be doing a lot of the editing as i know how to use the software, while they shoot.
  • We had booked our camera last tuesday and yet we have only just gotten it yesterday because we've had our camera given away to a year 13 pupil and Miss Gibson didnt turn up the times we were meant to pick them up.
  • As we didnt think we would have to shoot this week we can only shoot on friday as that is the only day the actors are free.
Opportunities -
  • We have friends that are really good actors and have experience in video's which would help with making our video look most proffesional.  
Threats -
  • As we can only book 1 camera at a time we cant shoot the different angles in 1 take. We will have to shoot twice and look out for any continunity errors.
  • Somehow cameras can be taken by other people even if we have booked them first!
  • With the nights becoming darker quicker it is going to be harder to get to our location after school before it becomes dark to shoot. We are not wanting the video to be in the dark as we wont be able to see the location properly.

1 comment:

  1. This is all very good indeed. You're going into a great deal of detail and, crucially, you are illustrating your work with clear examples. You should also mention the problems you've faced, particularly in terms of being unable to shoot when you wished, and how you are going to deal with this considering the tight deadline you face.
