Wednesday 17 November 2010


Today and yesterday i have been doing the editing and have now completed it. I have had to edit a lot of the sound as when filming the sound of the cars was not taken into account. For instance the part when callum is walking up the driveway to Hannah's house the sound of the cars overpowers the sound of the video and its a distraction. Also when Hannah is in her room and the music is playing i found that the music was far to quiet. As i didnt want Hannah's voice on the phone to be booming i put the sound in frames and make the sound quieten when Hannah is talking. I overlapped the videos of hannah's and callums, however i made hannah's the main clip you will see be you will be able to hear callums voice. However when filming the other members in my group didnt time the phonecall so it didnt really match when answering but I have made it sound like hannah is talking over callum and then he gives up and shuts up. When callum knocks on the door it shows an overshoulder shot of hannah then the clip changes with a dissolve effect to an over shoulder shot facing callum. NOT FINISHED

1 comment:

  1. I could still do with seeing your evaluation, Lauren, since this will be good practice for your final project (see this post -
