Wednesday 2 February 2011

Final Project - Using Clips

On Thursday we shot the outside footage and we shot this at my house at 4.30 after school, this was the earliest time we could all meet up with it still being light outside. Any later and the darkness would have taken over our shot and would have made it more difficult to get the shots we wanted and would have made it harder to see where we are going for example in the cut next to my house where we shot Craig walking. On Tuesday, James and I watched through the clips we shot and picked out the ones we were going to use, we found that we were gonna use all of clips shot on Thursday.

57- Craig walks to door and then knocks
58-A close up of the knocking of the door and of the victim. Criag is let into the house by the next victim
59- Craig is let in the house and then there is a zoom out of the front door, this will be the last clip we use
60- A close up of Craig's clenched fist
61- A cut of Craig walking past, just from the chest down
62- Craig walks up the steps and down the cut
63- An overhead shot of Craig when walking down the cut
64- A close up of Craigs feet when walking up the steps
65- A shot of Criag walking towards the end of the cut a front view, a long shot
66- A long shot of Craig walking towards the door
67- A shot of Craig walking towards the door but from a different angle

The shots from 57-66 we have decided will be mixed in with the kitchen scene this will give the audience a sense of knowing. They will be able to follow the story more this way. Shot 59 will be the last clip we use, this is when the killer is let into the house by the unknowing victim and then there is a zoom out of the door. I think thisis very effective because the audience will know what is about to happen because they have watched the rest of the clips.

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