Tuesday 25 January 2011

Final project - Filming

Last night footage was shot in Daniel Jordans kitchen. We got footage of the light switch, which was an improvement from our test footage in Gregs. As i said my my last blog post, in gregs kitchen the wallpaper did not go with the mood of our movie, flowers arent really a great image to have on a wall when we're butchering meat! The lightswitch getting turned on took a few takes as we didnt get the correct liughting we wanted. Some shots where to dark, but we found a clip that worked correct when edited. Craig was filmed picking up knives and putting them back down, this could help with the story. The killer is choosing which knife he wants to use. Looking back over the clip we have found the the refelection from a red object makes the knife look like its covered in blood. This was not inteded but is adding more effect into our movie. We will have to edit out some bits, unfortunatly there was a good clip where craig picks up a knife and takes it away from the bench but a friend got in the way of the clip and this was unnoticed until now. This would have been a good clip to use so we're going to have a play around with editing to make this look better.

1 comment:

  1. Some screen-grabs to show what you mean would help illustrate your point well.
