Thursday 27 January 2011

Media Title And Production Company

Due to popular demand the title of our final project will be 'Animus Messor' which in latin means soul harvestor. We put the titles we liked on Craigs blog and we asked our peers to vote for their favourite one. Myself and James liked harvestor but Animus Messor was the favourite so we decided to go with this. We added a glow so it blended the two words and made it look interesting. The english translation we decided to add it to the title, so people watching wouldnt need to ask what it meant or be confused. The production company logo we are in the middle of making it an animated logo, we are trying out different effects and will post on the blog with the final product. Please leave comments for any critisim or praise  

Final Project

Today we are carrying on with the editing of the first footage we have shot. We will be shortening the clips which we think lasts too long, an example of the clip is the fridge scene. The clip shows Craig bending down and searching the fridge, this would be come tedius if we left it that length, we have shortened it so it moves the clip along.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Final project - Filming

Last night footage was shot in Daniel Jordans kitchen. We got footage of the light switch, which was an improvement from our test footage in Gregs. As i said my my last blog post, in gregs kitchen the wallpaper did not go with the mood of our movie, flowers arent really a great image to have on a wall when we're butchering meat! The lightswitch getting turned on took a few takes as we didnt get the correct liughting we wanted. Some shots where to dark, but we found a clip that worked correct when edited. Craig was filmed picking up knives and putting them back down, this could help with the story. The killer is choosing which knife he wants to use. Looking back over the clip we have found the the refelection from a red object makes the knife look like its covered in blood. This was not inteded but is adding more effect into our movie. We will have to edit out some bits, unfortunatly there was a good clip where craig picks up a knife and takes it away from the bench but a friend got in the way of the clip and this was unnoticed until now. This would have been a good clip to use so we're going to have a play around with editing to make this look better.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Wallpaper in kitchen

In the test footage there is a clip in which craig turns the light switch on, the wallpaper that surrounds the switch doesnt really go with our plot. The wallpaper is pink and flowerly. We were hoping for a darker colour, so my idea was that we just use a sheet of black fabric or paper and cut the shape of the switch out. We would obviously need to make sure that the fabric would be on the wall in other clips if the wall appeared. We couldnt have just the one place in the kitchen that would have the black wall, this would become a continuity error.

We have changed the scene once again from where we are filming the kitchen scene. Now it will be filmed in Daniel Jordans, this is for definate

Tuesday 18 January 2011


We had originaly planned to film at my house on sunday but as my mother didnt give me permission we wanted we had to re-think our decisions on where to film. Greg has saved the day by agreeing to let us film in his kitchen if we agree to act in his and james' film.

Monday 10 January 2011

Story Board

This is our storyboard for our title sequence, out lining the main idea we have for it. Idea's have been taken from research, mainly on the title sequence of Seven. This can be seen in the storyboard as it has included a lot of close-ups. This provides the mystery in the sequence as there is no full shots of the killer just little shots of him and this hides the identity. We will be using a female friends' house to shoot the scene of the killer going for his next victim. It will show his next victim and she will try to close the door.

Target audience

The audience of our piece of work will mainly be of the male gender, and the age range would most probably be between 18-30 years old. The type of person who would want to watch this would also enjoy watching films like, silence of the lambs, seven and the saw franchise.These films are made to be creepy,they tend of frightening the viewers without having to over-exaggerate the amount of blood they include.They are not scared easy, but like to feel the fear while watching the movie. The target audience enjoys the mystery and suspence while watching a film, they enjoy being kept in the dark about what is happenning. They also like asking and answering their own questions. The genre is stereotyped as being more for the male gender than the females. However there will be a gap in the market for those who are female and enjoy watching this genre of film.


House Scene
Distributor and producers shown at the beginning of the scene we have decided on Paramount as the distributor and the producer is currently being decided and discussed. At the start the screen is black as the two company logos appear, there is the use of ambient sound in the form of footsteps in the background at which till the point whereby they will suddenly stop. There will be a brief couple of seconds pause, until the first camera shot a close up of the light switch being switched on which is also the signal of the beginning of the movie. Next the camera sweeps across a bench revealing an assortment of tools that range from simple bread knives the meat cleavers, these are being used to directly set the ominous feel of the scene but also to create enigma in that it will draw in the audience making them want to watch. The camera fragments to reveal the whole bench and the whole collection of tools. At this time we either will be playing a heartbeat that will have started from the sweep across the bench or show a radio being switched on and a piece of classical music playing over in the background. Next shot will reveal water tap being turned on and the protagonist washing his hands before he moves over the knives taking one of them to his finger and slicing it open, simply watching the blood trickle down his finger before bandaging it up. Now a sudden change of atmosphere a crazy fitz of the screen causing a face of a victim to be shown on a photograph. The back to the kitchen where the camera simply watches his footsteps to another bench before blood in seen dripping on the floor in tiny amounts. Camera focus on the blood on the floor lingers before moving to a shot of underneath his hands revealing his bloody rubber gloves and evidently something in his hand. Begins to prepare this unknown object with a knife, must be very brutal, the way the knife is sliced makes direct links to the way Dexter was filmed. Cooking it in red wine, use of the red wine clearly as of his taste for blood and the obvious connotations of blood to do with the colour, then sits down to eat there is slight glimpses of his meal but not excessive amounts. Then he goes to leave the house, and as he leaves there is a dead body clearly shown through the front door as if someone were looking in, it specifically being a women creating the motif for the character. Then a close up of the door being locked.

Outside Scene

Simple following scene, just concentrating on his bottom half specifically the boots. Until he arrives at a house, upon which a knock upon the door, comes to the door as she walks back into the hallway and out of sight and after she has invited him in, obvious consequence to this being he is a killer and a cannibal. Close up of the knife slips down his sleeve, turns around to check the street, finally a part of his face is shown when he shuts the door. camera focus's on the door, and begins to slowly zoom out, then a scream, black screen title of the movie appears.


Throughout the whole of this until the point where the killer enters the house there will be occasional fades to black whereby the names of people such as producers/directors/writers/actors excetera will appear

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The Texas chainsaw massacre: the beginning is an American slasher film which is a prequel to the 2003 remake of the Texas chainsaw massacre. It was directed by Jonathan liebesman who also directed the Killing room. It was co-produced by the co-creators of the original 1974 film. Distributor: New Line (like seven). Production budget: $16 million.

The first image seen in the opening sequence is an old picture of a baby; the child seems to have something wrong with his face. This leaves the audience wondering whether or not something has happened to this child or if he was born with this. This links with the genre of the film because in slasher films there is always the element of wonder. The next image shown show’s a professional diagram of the human body with circled areas on the face. This implies that the child show previously has a medical condition in which he has seen a doctor. As of yet we still don’t know exactly what is going on and how this little boy damaged his face. This is slowly building the tension for the audience. The way in which the face of the man is not being shown makes the audience wonder why this mans face has not been shown, they’ll want to know if there is something wrong with him, maybe he is deformed? This builds up the mystery in the clip and raises questions from the audience. The next few shots show an older child whose face is being covered by his own hands and also by what seems to be his mother. This still provides the secrecy we wish didn’t exist. We find that his possible name could be Thomas Hewitt and that he is a patient of somewhere. This almost confirms what I thought with the professional looking diagram of the human body. Different points in the title sequence we see the camera roll and we see it’s edited to make different parts look old. This could give the audience a clue about when the film is set. We never see any bright colours; in a lot of opening to films we have seen bright reds, which connote blood and anger. This could be so it’s not giving to much away for the film, maybe it doesn’t contain a lot of blood it could be more physiological than anything else. At 1.24 we see a match has been lit, this match then goes on to set alight a picture of what we assume to be him when he was younger. For us the audience watching, we could guess that the child in the photos became like this because of fire? The way the director has pieced together the images, it’s like he is telling a story and helping us piece together what the man in question is all about. The sound in the clip makes the tone of the clip airy and somewhat creepy, this goes with the genre of film this is and also what we are looking for in our coursework. The music starts off quiet and then towards the end it becomes louder and more of a piece of music than just some sounds, this adds to the tension of the audience that has already been raised in the clip. The target audience for this film is the type we are wanting to watch our video, the type of audience who love a scare, the type who enjoy the tension and the type that enjoy fear.