Tuesday 19 October 2010

Our Video

This is our completed video. The video is still jumpy but we cant help that

Wednesday 13 October 2010


When filming our movie we asked James Jordan and Abbas Ted to play the gangsters. They wore a suit, hat and tie as this made the roles more believable if they were in character. We chose to film our movie clip near a church and graveyard in Witton Gilbert as the area fitted in well with the script it gave it an airy. The area is rarely used apart from the odd few dog walkers and runners, which made filming slightly longer as we had to wait until there was nobody around so there wasn't any unwanted people in the shots. As there werent that many it meant we could shoot for as long as we needed. We also filmed in black and white to make the film look more authentic and believable, next time we will film in colour so we can choose between the two incase we want some colour back. As we have done the filming in black and white it means we cant go back to colour we can only make the black and white darker or lighter.We are now currently editing the shots in lessons and in our own time.

Thursday 7 October 2010


We are using xtranormal.com to do our storyboard on. This i think will explain our video more as we will be bale to add speech and movement to it. We also have the option to change the voices so each of them are different instead of just having the same voice for 2 different voices. It will cause movement for the people in the storyboard, we will be able to make them walk, run , ect

Sunday 3 October 2010

Opening Scene

It starts off with a shot of the earth and then comes out and moves along to show a ig out stretch of the galaxy. It shows two different space ships and then the close-up goes to the nearest space-ship. The music plating over the top is fast paced and there are people runnning around obviously panicing. The captain of the spaceship speaks on the overcom and anounces that they have lost the hard drive so they are gonna have to make a detour to planet earth.

My Movie Pitch

Genre - Sci-fi / western

Niel is the commander on the space ship, when he loses an important hard drive they realise it fell from the space ship down to earth. But the leaders on the enemy space ship know's where it has landed. Both enemy's are trying quickly to get to the hard drive first. When they go to earth the speed they travelled down causes them to go back to western times. Because of the cowboys and indians, its made it harder to get tot he hard drive as they have never seen anything like this so they have made a shrine to it and are worshiping it.

Friday 1 October 2010

Camera Shots

This is another video showing different types of camera shots and angles

Still camera shots

In this clip we have pulled together our still camera shots and put them into one video, these include high angle and low angle